2008/09 Geography Timetable

Current Courses

GEOG 1203.1(.2) Physical Geography: Global Patterns

An introduction to physical geography by studying global patterns of the Earth's natural environment.  Spatial and temporal patterns are emphasized and explained by describing underlying processes.  Topics include: Earth-sun system, oceans, global heat circulation, climate, biogeographical realms, soils and plate tectonics. 

GEOG 2333.1(.2) Biogeography        Pre-requisite: GEOG 1203.1(.2)

A study of the spatial and temporal distributions of plants and animals on Earth.  Local to global scale patterns of species distribution in terrestrial and marine environments are explained by examining physical controls, ecological principles, and human impacts. Species change over time and space are described by covering evolution, migration, succession and extinction.

GEOG 3386.1(.2) Concepts in Geographical Information Systems (GEOG 5686: Grad level)    Pre-requisite: GEOG 2336.1(.2)

This course provides an introduction to geographic information systems (GIS).  Consideration is given to GIS data structure, data input, quality, storage and editing, GIS analysis functions and an introduction to the implementation of a GIS.  Although the course has a strong technical component, the central underlying theme is using GIS to support decision making in natural, human and management sciences.  (Lab component)

(GEOG 3386.2 Fall 2007 undergraduate GIS lab)


GEOG 3454.1(.2) Bay of Fundy: Environments and Issues    Pre-requisite: GEOG 2213.1(.2) or GEOG 2214.1(.2)

This interdisciplinary course examines physical, biological and human environments, processes and issues in the Bay of Fundy region from both a historical and contemporary view.  Topics include physical and biological processes such as tides and biological productivity, ecosystems such as tidal flats and salt marshes, settlement patterns and resource use.  Emphasis is placed on current issues and solutions.

(Geog 3454.1 Field Trip 2002,Windsor salt marsh/mudlfats)


GEOG 4413.1(.2) Coastal Geomorphology (GEOG 5613: Grad level)    Pre-requisite: GEOG 3313.1(.2) or GEOl 2325.1(.2)


This course discusses both the physical processes that operate in the coastal zone and the resulting landforms.  The action of waves, tides, currents, sea level changes, wind and humans in the formation of coastal features are considered.  Additional topics include the long-term development and classification of coasts.  (Lab component and field work required)

(GEOG 4413.1 Fall 2004 Field Trip, Surveying at Conrad Beach.  Photo by Kelly Sabadash)


GEOG 4414.1(.2) Integrated Coastal Zone Management (GEOG 5614: Grad level)    Pre-requisite: GEOG 2336.1(.2) and either GEOG 3304.1(.2) or 3315.1(.2)

Spatial approaches to the integrated planning and management of the coastal zone within a sustainable development framework will be discussed and analyzed using case studies from intensively developed coastal zones in Europe, the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia and North America. Emphasis will be placed on the use of geographical information systems as management and planning tools (Seminar component)

GEOG 4496.1(.2) Applications in GIS (GEOG 5696: Grad level)    Pre-requisite: GEOG 3386.1(.2)

This course allows students to further develop their understanding of GIS and its applications.  This course is project-oriented, focusing on the use of geographical information systems to address practical problems in areas such as resource management, marketing, regional planning, natural hazards and geomorphology.  Students will be partnered with outside agencies to undertake a major research project using various GIS analytical functions and develop skills related to data creation, manipulation, quality assessment and presentation (Lab component).

(GEOG 4496 Final Project Poster presentations Winter 2008)

Additional Courses Taught