Hello. The three fish you see is my family crest on the Irish side - the Roches. That image, however, is appropriate for me on several symbolic levels: one fish represents Christianity (I grew up Catholic), two fish make up my astrological sign (I'm a Pisces) as well as the badge for submariners (I was in the navy), I enjoy seafood, and lived most of my life in the Maritimes. Moreover, fish is traditionally associated with knowledge and that connects to my job. You'd almost think I should get three fish tattooed on my shoulder. Some day I will.

I grew up in Halifax, am a SMU alumnus, and have a Bernese Mountain dog named Marcus. My career path may have been decided early on when my Grade 2 teacher kept me after school to ensure that I fully understood the difference between "our" and "are." Thank you, Mrs. Brownell. I am a good swimmer, bad golfer, mediocre skier, and fine cook. I cheer for the Habs. Lately, my reading list includes hard-boiled, noirish fiction.

My teaching interests are mainly centred upon English 1205, but I have also taught Advanced Composition and The Eighteenth-Century British Novel. My first-year classes are live and interactive. There is plenty of discussion, group work tasks, and a strong writing component in my section. In the summer of 2005 I developed an online webct version of 1205 for those students with hectic schedules. My approach in both the real and virtual 1205 is to provide a challenging and rewarding environment to study literature.

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it is too dark to read."
- Groucho Marx