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SUGGESTIONS of relevant course material

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Websites, organizations, individuals to check out for this course and for your project.  Also useful simply to get different perspectives on current issues, from local to global. 


bulletCanadian Civil Liberties Association and respective provincial groups
bulletCanadian gov't departments of RCMP, CSIS, other police, Dept. of Defence
bulletIndependent media organizations, aka as indymedia
bulletAnti-WTO actions throughout the world - every time there is a meeting on free trade, G-8, UN, etc…
bulletOther social dissent or crim. of dissent course websites
bulletPolaris Institute
bullet http://www.rideauinstitute.ca/ Rideau Institute
bulletPembina Institute
bulletParkland Institute
bulletPost-Carbon Institute
bulletCanadian centre for policy alternatives
bulletCouncil of Canadians
bulletLawyer Clayton Ruby

http://briarpatchmagazine.com/ (Canadian)

bullethttp://thetyee.ca/ Canadian independent media
bullethttp://www.aljazeera.com/ English Al Jazeera
bulletwww.rabble.ca (Canadian based independent news)
bullethttp://sgnews.ca/ Straight goods (Canadian) merging with rabble.ca
bullet http://www.alternet.org/
bullet www.truthout.org (independent news U.S. based)
bullet www.nationofchange.org
bullet http://www.popularresistance.org/
bullet http://www.indymedia.org/en/index.shtml
bullet http://www.dominionpaper.ca/  (Canadian national independent newspaper)
bulletChristopher Hitchins
bulletChristopher Hedges
bulletGeorge Monbiot   www.monbiot.com
bulletChristopher Martinson  www.peakprosperity.com
bulletNoam Chomsky
bulletHoward Kunstler
bullet www.collapsenet.com


bulletDemocracy Now (Public Broadcasting Service), Amy Goodman - U.S. based http://www.democracynow.org/
bullet www.miningwatch.ca
bulletthe Guardian (UK newspaper)


Some mainstream sources have occasional good news analysis stories: Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star

Some right wing (extremist) news sources:  National Post, http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/ (Canadian equivalent to U.S. Fox news), Fox news, Heritage Foundation (US), expose the media, the so-called Accuracy in Media, Fraser Institute & CD Howe Institute (both Canadian right wing think tank)

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Criminalization of Dissent course documents


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Revised: January 14, 2014 .