Please read carefully and thoroughly the complete course syllabus and any material that is on my website if referred to above. Then sign & return the two (2) pages to me no later than the end of the second week of classes.
The syllabus and course outline provide details on the course requirements and policies as well as explaining your responsibilities as a student and my job as a professor. Remaining registered in the class and accepting the syllabus indicates your agreement to complete assignments, meet due dates, and conduct yourself in a respectful and responsible fashion when dealing with your classmates and your professor.
My signature below indicates that I have read the attached syllabus and any additional materials on the professor’s SMU website, and I fully understand my obligations as a student in Introduction to Sociology SOCI 1210 or Social Power Relations SOCI 1211. I have had an opportunity to ask my professor questions about this syllabus and course outline.
I understand that this course provides an opportunity to learn about a variety of concepts and skills that are relevant to the study of sociology. Further, I understand that my grade in the course is dependent upon the quality of my work on the specific course requirements outlined in the syllabus including my attendance in class, participation on a variety of exercises and assignments, and other relevant course work.
PRINTED NAME ____________________________________________ Student ID # _______________________
Major/area of interest: ______________________________________________________________________________
I have previously taken the following sociology course(s) (either in high school or at another post-secondary institution):
_____________________________________________________and I received the following grade(s)______________
and we covered the following topics:___________________________________________________________________
POTENTIAL LEARNING CHALLENGES (anything that may impact upon your ability to undertake this course):
Why are you taking this course? What area of work are you considering & how will this course enhance your abilities in this area?
Explain how you will take responsibility for your learning in this class, in other words, what steps will you undertake to satisfy the requirements.
What do you estimate your grade to be and explain how you arrive at this estimate?
Describe yourself:
Attach a photo of yourself (you can photocopy your student id)