Today’s youth – the Millenials: Does any of this sound like you? Would some of these characteristics describe you?
Ø engaging in multitasking so having difficulty focusing on priorities,
Ø doing several things simultaneously and poorly rather than doing one thing well;
Ø grazing/scanning information instead of taking the time to thoroughly review material;
Ø short attention span;
Ø easily ‘bored';
Ø essentially always wired into some electronic tech gadget during waking hours;
Ø helicopter parented where parents instilled in you that you are special, unique and can do no wrong as long as you put in the effort;
Ø lack of experience in making your own decisions, sheltered;
Ø rarely suffering significant consequences when made mistakes;
Ø reluctant to take initiative or show originality, don’t want to stand out;
Ø identify as a consumer, materialistic, sense of self-worth is often based on what you have;
Ø team oriented but the individual (you) comes 1st.
If any or all of this applies, you will potentially encounter problems in this class and more generally at university.
Assignment instructions:
Complete all parts - A, B & C. The submission must be typed, “Times” font, 12 point, single spaced, (double sided printing if possible) one inch margins. No electronic submissions will be accepted nor handwritten submissions. Your answers should be comprehensive.
Day class: The following is to be submitted no later than the 3rd class of the course during the 2nd week of classes.
Evening class: The following is to be submitted no later than the 2nd class of the course during the 3rd week of classes.
A) Explain why you are here - in this class & at university. Provide all the reasons.
B) Answer the questions below, either YES or NO
Ø In Section 1 note the issue raised in the question when you answer YES and add an explanation when you answer YES
Ø In Section 2 note the issue raised in the question when you answer NO and add an explanation when you answer NO.
Section 1
1. I do not need to attend all classes in this course.
2. Reading the text is not always necessary.
3. I think this course will be a bird (easy) course.
4. Because this course is a 1st year course in sociology, it will be easy.
5. This course will not require much work outside of class.
6. I can do the required assignments the night before they are due.
7. I tend to get my schoolwork done at the last minute.
8. I am taking this course for an easy elective.
9. I miss classes because I have to go to my job.
10. I have a backup plan to get to school if weather causes difficulties in getting to school.
11. I tend to show up late to my appointments.
12. I tend to hand in assignments late.
13. I tend to be a procrastinator (if you do not know what this word means then look it up).
14. I tend to study at the last minute.
15. I expect to get extensions for not being able to hand in work on time.
16. I did well in high school with little effort.
17. I get easily bored.
18. I tend to scan reading materials, instead of reading them carefully and thoroughly.
19. I socialize with friends/family several times a week.
20. I like to drink alcohol regularly.
21. I expect to be entertained by my professors.
22. My family is paying for me to attend university.
23. I am here at SMU mainly to get a job after I finish my degree.
24. Since I did well in high school, I will do well at university.
25. I would be ok with having my parent contact the professor on my behalf.
26. If I failed an assignment, this would be one of the worst things that could happen.
27. I have trouble concentrating, staying focused on a task, paying attention.
28. I check my phone (or similar electronic communication device) for messages or similar several times an hour.
29. I get upset when I do poorly on an assignment.
30. I have experienced a mental health issue, e.g. depression, anxiety, since being at university.
31. I regularly use Wikipedia and/or google to find information for an assignment.
32. I rarely go to the library to get help on assignments.
33. I prefer to work by myself rather than in groups.
34. I do not like to have my beliefs questioned.
35. I already think I have a pretty good idea about how society works.
Section 2
1. When I do poorly on an assignment, I look to for the reasons for this in myself first.
2. I am open to having my fundamental assumption about life, people, society, etc…, challenged.
3. I regularly ask questions of the professor if I do not understand something.
4. I go see my professors during their office hours every semester.
5. When I am doing the readings for a class, I take notes or highlight or do something else which helps me remember the key points.
6. I take the time to simply relax.
7. I regularly get enough sleep.
8. I have a good support system should I experience a mental health issue.
9. If I need help with my writing, I know about the services at the university that can help you.
10. If I need help with my writing, I get help from the services available at the university.
11. I regularly get help on assignments from the librarians.
12. I think I have good study habits.
13. I know how I best learn.
Section 3
C) Answer the following questions:
Ø The following are the reasons for why the professor is asking me these questions.
Ø If applicable, provide a detailed explanation as to why you did not attend the first class(es).
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