Winter semester 2014, Saint Mary's University
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You are responsible for knowing and understanding the complete contents of this course syllabus and for carrying out the requirements of this course.
If there is any dispute, all university & departmental policies will apply.
Phone: 902-420- 5531 Office: MS 416 Office hours: T 1:30-5:30
Note: I do not use Blackboard. I will not respond to emails. I am not available on Fridays. If you wish to contact me you must do so during my office hours, or before/after class. If you cannot make these office hours, then we can schedule an appointment at a mutually convenient time & day. Additional important course materials are available on my website.
Students will examine major structures of social inequality and how these structures intersect in the lives of individuals and groups. Patterns in opportunity, disadvantage, regulation, and access to justice emerge from those structures.
This course will:
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Examine a number of sociological approaches to better understand the power relations that produce, reproduce and reinforce social inequality; |
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Examine the shifting patterns, determinants, and consequences of social inequality; |
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Explore in depth important causal dimensions of social inequality including but not limited to: socioeconomic status, social class, gender, ethnicity and age; |
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Investigate the effects of these (and other) variables on the life chances of individuals and groups in the context of various institutional spheres including but not limited to family, employment, education, and health; |
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Explore how government social policy, the economy, and culture shape and structure the distribution of wealth, power and status locally and globally and how reforms could promote social justice; |
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Further develop the skills of the liberal arts: critical thinking, analysis, problem solving, oral and written communication, life-long learning, debating, application, leadership; and, |
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Further develop social responsibility and an ethic of service: attitudes and understandings needed to live in society as responsible citizens and to contribute to building a caring and just society. |
The course objectives will be taught using active learning and collaborative (aka cooperative) learning pedagogy, incorporating elements of the socratic method, constructivism, popular education, and transformational learning. Through a program of readings, class discussions and activities, group and individual work, and various types of assignments, the objectives and course material will be explored and examined. Students are expected to participate in the learning strategies which have been designed to exemplify the topics under consideration. Participation means coming to class on time and staying the entire period, participating in activities, getting to know your fellow students and professor. There is no room for negative criticism of others, there is no room for laughter at the expense of another in this class, there is no room for harassment or discrimination. As your professor, I am responsible for facilitating and encouraging learning and serving as a resource for you in this class. I am not here to entertain you, I am not here to provide you with customer service with you being a consumer/client, and I am not here to parent you.
What is active learning? This method of teaching and learning is where students take responsibility for their learning, instead of simply being passive receivers of information and regurgitating information. As your professor, I am responsible for facilitating and encouraging learning and serving as a resource for you in this class. I am not here to entertain you, I am not here to provide you with customer service with you being a consumer/client, and I am not here to parent you.
What is collaborative/cooperative learning? This type of learning utilizes the strategy of group work. Creating groups is one way to minimize the sense of isolation and anonymity that students often feel in large classes. As well, group work can facilitate the development of important skills, which include:
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Teamwork skills: skills in working within team dynamics; |
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Leadership; |
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Analytical and cognitive skills: analyzing task requirements, questioning, critically interpreting material, evaluating the work of others; |
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Collaborative skills: conflict management and resolution, accepting intellectual criticism, flexibility; negotiation and compromise; and, |
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Organizational and time management skills. |
The research clearly indicates that successful collaborative learning encompasses:
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Positive interdependence - if one team member fails to meet his or her responsibilities, everyone loses in some way; |
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Individual accountability - each student is held personally accountable for his or her part and for everyone else's part as well; |
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Development and appropriate use of teamwork skills; |
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Face to face interaction; and, |
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Periodic self-assessment of group functioning (what are we doing well as a group, what do we need to do differently?). |
Why use cooperative learning? Extensive research has compared cooperative learning with traditional classroom instruction. On the average
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Students who engage in cooperative learning learn significantly more, remember it longer, and develop better critical-thinking skills than their counterparts in traditional lecture classes; |
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Students enjoy cooperative learning more than traditional lecture classes, so they are more likely to attend classes and finish the course; |
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Students are going to go on to jobs that require teamwork. Cooperative learning helps students develop the skills necessary to work on projects too difficult and complex for any one person to do in a reasonable amount of time. |
How do you learn? Our learning can be improved if we actually know how we learn best. Consider: What are your earliest memories of learning to read and write? How do you currently approach reading and writing tasks? How do you feel about yourself as a reader and writer? Consider the following types of intelligence and which applies to you in terms of your preferred type of learning: (See my website for a questionnaire you can complete)
Ø Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence -- well-developed verbal skills and sensitivity to the sounds, meanings and rhythms of words
Ø Mathematical-Logical Intelligence -- ability to think conceptually and abstractly, and capacity to discern logical or numerical patterns
Ø Musical Intelligence -- ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and timber
Ø Visual-Spatial Intelligence -- capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly
Ø Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence -- ability to control one's body movements and to handle objects skillfully
Ø Interpersonal Intelligence -- capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations and desires of others.
Ø Intrapersonal Intelligence -- capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs and thinking processes
Ø Naturalist Intelligence -- ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other objects in nature
Ø Existential Intelligence -- sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get here.
Grading practices
Do not equate your self-worth with your grade in this class or on any assignment. You may be an "A+ person" who happened to perform at a C+ level on a given assignment. Remember that grades are an indication of your performance in mastering the material at one point in time. They are not an indicator of my views of you as a person. Reflect on your grade in an honest and realistic fashion. My role is to offer constructive criticism of your efforts in this course. Digest that criticism and then ask yourself questions like: Did I put in the preparation time that would've been necessary to receive a better grade?, Did I understand the assignment as fully as I could have, if not did I seek help from the professor?, Did I turn in all the required paperwork?, Did I do an adequate job of proofreading? If you find that you still have questions about how you can improve or about course content, come see me and we will talk about additional ways for you to work on your mastery of the subject matter. On another note, simply because you have paid for this course does not mean you will automatically receive an “A” grade. Also by simply completing the work does not mean you will receive an “A” grade. The output (what you achieve), e.g. an assignment you complete, will be judged in the assessment, not simply the input (what you do), e.g. the effort one puts into the assignment; the latter will not guarantee you a high mark. If you are having difficulty in the course, consider if this is an ability problem (I can’t do this) or a performance problem (it is hard to do but still doable).
Adapted from Department of Communication, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2001
If you have any questions or concerns about the following, then it is your responsibility to bring these to my attention during the first two weeks of classes. Otherwise it is understood that you agree to abide by these guidelines, rights and responsibilities.
SMU has clear expectations of how students will conduct themselves on campus and in the classroom. The rights and responsibilities accorded students in the University system are outlined in the Academic Integrity and Student Responsibility which includes the Student Code of Conduct published annually in Academic Calendar. You are required to be aware of all of these policies. With regard to this specific course, effective teaching and learning environments are best accomplished by positive teacher-student and student-student relationships characterized by common courtesy, respect for self and others, respect for differing points of view, and honest and responsible behaviour. When violations of these expectations occur, action must be taken to address the problem before it becomes harmful to the teaching and learning environment.
General Disruptive Behaviour
Disruptive behaviour may take many forms. Disruptive behaviour includes but is not limited to: talking when someone else has the floor, being rude to others, offering destructive (rather than constructive) criticism, arriving late, sleeping during class, forming cliques, checking their cell phones or other electronic devices, being passive or disinterested, belligerent or aggressive behaviour and so on. Such behaviours have no place in a university classroom. You have a right to maintain your own opinions and to disagree with others, but you must do so in a fashion that is conducive to learning and does not take the form of a personal attack on others. Minimally, you are expected to treat your classmates and your professor in a respectful fashion and they will return the favour. Any behaviour that obstructs or disrupts the classroom teaching and learning environment will be addressed. Serious or repeated breaches in inappropriate behaviour may result in a reduction of your final grade in the course and may be referred to additional University authorities.
The following guidelines outline appropriate behaviour expected of all students both during classes and outside of classes when work is undertaken for this course (this list is not comprehensive):
Appropriate Classroom Behaviour
Ø Students are expected to attend all regularly scheduled class sessions and be prepared for class;
Ø Students are expected to conduct themselves in an honest and respectful manner when interacting with others in the classroom environment;
Ø When engaged in discussions, students should seek to ask questions that are clear, relevant to the content at hand, and contribute to the individual and/or the class's mastery of the subject matter; and,
Ø When the instructor is speaking, students should listen attentively and provide appropriate feedback when called upon by the instructor; and,
Ø When anyone is speaking in class, others should be listening, not interjecting, responding when called upon to do so.
Inappropriate Classroom Behaviour
It is inappropriate to:
Ø read other texts or magazines during class;
Ø talk to others while the instructor or another student has the floor;
Ø ask questions that have already been answered several times or are answered in the syllabus;
Ø take phone calls during class or check text messages;
Ø sleep;
Ø make rude comments;
Ø ridicule others for asking questions; and,
Ø ask questions or engage in discussion that is irrelevant to the content at hand.
Appropriate Behaviour in Groups
When working in groups, students are expected to
Ø be supportive, cooperative, and courteous to other members of the group;
Ø attend class and/or group meetings;
Ø do their share of the work;
Ø complete work that said would undertake; and,
Ø stay on task.
Inappropriate Behaviour in Groups
Engaging in inappropriate behaviour and rude behaviour are not conducive to effective group discussion. This includes:
Ø failure to show up in class or at group meetings;
Ø failure to complete work or to do fair share of the work; and,
Ø use group time to discuss non-group or non-class related matters.
A Comment on Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty
The concept of academic dishonesty covers a range of inappropriate and unethical behaviours including but not limited to cheating on exams, falsification of materials, plagiarism, and so on. As in other courses at the University, students in sociology and criminology are expected to do their own work and conduct themselves in a fair, honest, and ethical manner. Those who plagiarize or engage in academic dishonesty of any kind can expect to fail the assignment at hand and may fail the entire course. In addition, instances of academic dishonesty and plagiarism will be referred to the proper University authorities for investigation and disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty is a very serious issue; it will be taken seriously.
Ø Samuelson, Les, & Wayne Antony, (2012), Power and Resistance: Critical Thinking About Canadian Social Issues, 5th edition, Black point, Nova Scotia: Fernwood Books, available in the bookstore
Ø Online readings, available on my website.
Discussion questions (6 pts. per question, 10 submissions) 60 approx. 22% of final grade
Sociobiography 60 22%
Research project (presentation & essay) 120 43%
Participation 36 12%
TOTAL 276 points, final grade pro-rated to 100%
The written work for this class is composed of various submissions. The following applies to all written submissions unless specified otherwise:
· Written work submissions: Only hardcopy & typed submissions will be accepted, no electronic submissions.
· Due dates: Late work will not be accepted.
· Returned written work: In a class where you have received returned graded written work, you are NOT to consult with me immediately after class with queries pertaining to this assessment. You must take the time to review your work and then if still necessary discuss the matter with me after one week has passed.
Usually, each student is required to submit each week one (1) discussion question (DQ) which would help to further yours and the class’ exploration and comprehension of the ideas of the readings/documentary. The DQs must be handed in at the beginning of the class in hardcopy and typed; no electronic submissions will be accepted. You are to have a second copy of your DQ on hand for use during class. If you do not provide the DQs, you are not permitted to remain in that day’s class. The DQ is to be drawn from the Naiman text unless specified otherwise. You are not to submit questions which are asked or answered in the readings. Your questions should not simply be closed-ended questions, e.g. the answer is simply yes/no, nor should they be one which simply seek someone`s opinion about an issue. DQs should allow for probing discussion which arrives at a comprehensive answer (there could be more than one correct answer to a question; but again answers are not asking for an opinion). A good, substantive question involves critical thinking, and focuses on the substance or content of the material. DQs should demonstrate your increasing knowledge of the subject matter and application of your learning as the course progresses. Each question should include a rationale for the question which includes: i) why are you asking the question, why it is relevant, useful, important to ask the question, considering not just yourself but looking at society, and ii) a context - from where in the reading is your question drawn providing a corresponding citation (if you are unfamiliar with doing citations then you need to visit the SMU Writing Centre. Make sure to bring an extra copy of your question to class as you will need it to be able to share the question with fellow students and to discuss it during class. See my website for more detailed information about DQs, including sample questions and the rubric.
“The purpose of the socioautobiography is to use the insights from sociology to better understand your own story; it is a way of using sociology to explore our personal riddle. But the socioautobiography is not a diary or a point-by-point account of your life since infancy. It is rather a reflective exercise in which you step outside of yourself and employ sociological concepts to interpret your experiences. . . . it uses the concepts of the discipline to interpret our life in its social context. (Excerpt from Kanagy, C. L., & Kraybill, D. B., (1999). The Riddles of Human Society, Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press, (pg. 287-89)). For this assignment you are to reflect on the topics and concepts used throughout the class and consider how they are applicable in your own life, either directly or indirectly. For example, consider how has immigration impacted your family and your community & country, how you view people who are different from you or whether a community value of hard work in your neighborhood helped shape your attitude toward academia. You must discuss four (4) chapter topics & content and their associated concepts covered in class. There is in effect no one right or wrong answer however your discussion must demonstrate the accurate usage and understanding of the material, applying the chapter contents and associated concepts correctly, and incorporating discussion about the additional material pertaining to the subject matter presented in class. Depth is also key, not a superficial coverage of the material. You must draw from your personal direct or indirect actual experience, not hypothetical or imagined. As you will be discussing personal details, confidentially will be exercised. You are to use first person, single spacing, times new roman font, 12 point, 1 inch or 2 centimeters margin, at least one page (700 words) per chapter. Organize the discussion in four parts, one for each chapter. Clearly identify each chapter and highlight concepts using correct citation when appropriate. Due Wednesday April 2nd in class; earlier submissions will be accepted.
Informed and constructive participation in class discussion is expected, and this can only occur if you attend class and come prepared. The course outline lists readings or documentaries for each week. You are expected to read and/or prepare all materials prior to the class period for which they are assigned. Your attendance and participation is very important to your learning and that of other students in this class. It will become easily apparent if you have not conducted the readings and thus are unable to contribute constructive discussion in the class. If you are unable to attend at least 90% of the classes, then it is advisable that you withdraw from the course or else risk the application of penalties in the assessment. Two missed class periods are allowed, with each subsequent class missed amounting to a 5 point deduction in the final assessment point total. If you are late, YOU are responsible for checking with me after class on the day you were late to correct the record. It is simply not feasible to alter attendance records days or even weeks after the fact. Excessive tardiness may result in a further loss of points from the final grade. If you are late for a general class session, simply slip in as quietly as possible.
RESEARCH PROJECT (essay and presentation)
Working in groups of 3 or 4 created in the third class, a research project will be undertaken, the starting point being one of the chapters in the text. Chapters will be assigned randomly. The key topic of the research project is the topic in the chapter as this pertains to social inequality and justice. In effect the topic is one of social inequality and justice thus the social inequality is to be explored in depth and how social justice is or can be realized thus exploring solutions to see inequality eradicated. Additional academic sociology sources (e.g. textbooks, academic journal articles, research institute papers) must be found and consulted, at least three (3) sources per group member, which complement, expand and reiterate chapter material in order to provide further in-depth information about the chapter topic and associated contents. You can assume that the audience has read the chapter prior to coming to class. The presentation is essentially presenting the additional research incorporating some of the chapter contents in a logical and cohesive manner. The presentation will not simply be a lecture style presentation of the topic. An interactive component will also be required which engages all the students in the class whereby material is exemplified in an experiential way. The presentation should be 45 minutes. A group essay is to be written on the topic, incorporating the information from the additional academic sociology sources with the chapter contents. In addition to the group essay, each group member is to submit an individual report which includes four parts: i) a detailed log of their contribution to this group work (a form will be supplied that must be completed); ii) an evaluation of yourself and of the other group members as to the distribution of the work and whether it was fair; iii) a personal reflection noting what you learned about yourself undertaking this project; and, iv) a personal reflection noting what you learned about the subject matter. The two written submissions are due one week after the presentation.
1) Assignment of chapter/topic and groups: Done in class.
After being assigned the chapter/topic, your group will have a discussion of how your group will work together. This is VERY important so that the group works well together. Honesty and knowing how you work as a student is key here.
2) How your group will work together:
You should identify each other’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of group academic research projects, e.g. research abilities, writing, public speaking, leadership, organization, etc… You should take the opportunity to improve your skills, not simply fall back to what you feel you do best. No one group member is to be responsible for one aspect of this assignment, e.g. having only one group member do the writing is not acceptable. You also need to decide how your group is going to communicate – via email list, facebook, phone or ___?___, and decide on type (virtual or face to face) and frequency of meetings.
You should also share expectations about what and how the work will be accomplished. For example, if some groups members procrastinate or only tend to work best under pressure this may impact the whole group and be disadvantageous if there are others who wish to work on a consistent basis and not leave everything to the last minute.
Any challenges that may present themselves that would inhibit a group member from completing the work should be openly identified, e.g. erratic work schedules or family obligations. If a group member is unable to do something that was agreed upon, e.g. attend a meeting or find some piece of information, then a process should be agreed upon where that group member notifies the group or someone in the group of this instead of simply not showing up or not doing the work. If you drop the course, then please let your group members know you will no longer be in the group.
Each group member will keep an individual log of all aspects of the work they undertake on this project, and this will be submitted to me with the project research paper. This log will contain detailed information, including the times you worked on the project and what you were doing in this capacity, e.g. reading, research, writing, meeting, etc… You must also note the tasks that you are responsible for, how you completed them and when they were completed. As well, when any decisions are made either in a meeting or via some other form of communication, these should be noted and assigned a deadline for when agreed upon action is to be completed. Each time a task is designated for one or more group members to do, a deadline should be agreed upon, and it should be noted when the task is completed. It is expected that if a group member is to undertake a task then they are to complete it as the other group members expect.
After this group sharing and learning process, you can now begin the process of undertaking the necessary research to complete the project. Note as this is a 2nd year university course, the project is descriptive in nature, that is, focusing on the existing research that has been conducted by other academics in this area. Your personal opinions are not to be included; these can be included in the individual reflection component of the project. This description will need to include an historical perspective, finding information which explains the phenomena being explored from the past up to the present day. Focus nationally (Canada), if not regionally (Maritimes), provincially (NS) and locally (Halifax/Dartmouth). Do not focus on an international perspective unless there is a local or regional component and/or information is relevant to a local/Canadian context . However, you may wish to include some cross-national or cross-cultural comparisons but this is not required. At times data from the US may be more readily available or extensive than that from Canada. You need to be explicit in your paper and presentation if you are discussing other than Canadian information, explaining why non-Canadian material is relevant to the Canadian situation.
3) Initial research: Read the chapter and note down all the relevant concepts and ideas discussed as this pertains to the chapter topic. It is a good idea to create a framework of this information or an outline of the material that is discussed and consider what aspects the group wishes to focus one, what points or ideas should be further explored and thus researched.
4) Gather additional research: The library presentation at the beginning of the course will provide you with the skills needed to gather this information. The point of departure should be the references at the end of the chapter: The library academic journal databases should be consulted in order to find some of these references. As there are often dozens of references, abstracts should be consulted initially to determine what is the specific content of the respective reference. You are seeking material that is not too general but not too specific. You want materials that provide a deeper understanding of the chapter topic and the contents the group wishes to emphasize, and/or that reiterate and reinforce the information, and or that provide different perspectives or data arriving at the same conclusions, that provide relevant statistics to if possible Halifax or the region or province or that contrast to the local perspective. Sources of data in terms of statistics may include municipal or provincial governments (respective gov’t department(s) that deals with the issue under exploration) and federal government (Statistics Canada for example and respective gov’t department(s) that deals with the issue under exploration). If you are lacking some understanding of the chapter contents, then you will have to seek additional academic materials which further elaborates or explains the material. Each group member is responsible for finding at least three (3) relevant additional sources. A list of these sources must be provided to me two (2) weeks prior to the presentation.
5) Organize information: Start organizing the material you have gathered in some sort of logical order, figure out what pieces might be missing from the picture and find this information. You will most likely need to provide some initial definitions or explanations of relevant key concepts that you are exploring and these must be sociological definitions, not from general dictionaries. A good place to draw these definitions is from introductory sociology textbooks. REMEMBER: Every time you have acquired some information which is going to be used, either simply for ideas or definitions or theories or quotes, note down all the bibliographic information at this time since it will be a waste of time later to go looking for this info to add into your paper/presentation later and bibliography. .
6) Write a draft essay and simultaneously create an outline for presentation: Determine what aspects of the topic you want to present to the class, what are the key points you want the class to know and remember, creating a blueprint. You are not to present all the information from the essay or chapter and the additional sources as it will be impossible to do so. Determine a sequence of the material to be presented that makes logical sense. If necessary make sure to provide segways between parts of the presentation so the audience can follow the flow of information presented. Build in interactive components to the presentation, either throughout and or in the beginning and or at the end. Estimate the length of time required for each part of the presentation.
7) Create the presentation: Create a script of the presentation with all the necessary details of what will be said. Then determine how each group member will be incorporated into the presentation and assign respective parts. Always do a dry run of it prior to the actual presentation to make sure it falls within the required time allotted – 45 minutes - and to make sure the coordination and sequence works.
8) Review and complete the essay: An essay should begin with an introduction and end with a conclusion followed by a bibliography. The introduction should briefly inform the reader of the purpose of the essay, the topic under exploration, the aspects of the topic that will be discussed so that the reader knows what is forthcoming, and then ends with a segway to the next part. Any key concepts and respective definitions should be provided here. Next, if relevant, a brief history of the topic can be provided to give some background. Next, the aspects of the topic to be discussed are presented in a logical sequence, incorporating statistics if relevant. The conclusion is essentially the introduction rephrased adding some points of summary.
See my website for further details including a rubric.
i) The date for each week refers to the beginning of the week, not necessarily the date of the 1st class of the week.
ii) The assigned readings in a given week are to be completed prior to the 1st class of each week.
iii) It is imperative that you undertake the readings or documentary viewing before coming to class as this will provide you with the foundation from which in class discussions and activities will stem.
WEEK 1 January 6th
September 9th – Introduction to course and class
WEEK 2 January 13th What is a social problem?
Reading: Ch. 1 & 2
Discussion question due
Research project groups formed
WEEK 3 January 20th - Education
Reading: Ch. 15
Discussion question due
WEEK 4 January 27th – Economic Inequality
Reading: Ch. 5 & 6
Discussion question due
WEEK 5 February 3rd – Gender violence
Reading: Ch. 3
Discussion question due
WEEK 6 February 10th - Sexual orientation
Reading: Ch. 4
Discussion question due
WEEK 7 February 17th – Reading week
WEEK 8 February 24th – Original Peoples
Reading: Ch. 7
Discussion question due
WEEK 9 March 3rd – Immigration
Reading: Ch. 8
Discussion question due
WEEK 10 March 10th – Food
Reading: Ch. 11
Discussion question due
WEEK 11 March 17th – Sustainability
Reading: Ch. 12
Discussion question due
WEEK 12 March 24th – Activism
Reading: Ch. 13
Discussion question due
WEEK 13 March 31st - Healthcare
Reading: Ch. 14
Discussion question due
Sociobiography due in last class, no extensions, only hardcopy accepted.
NOTE: The professor reserves the right to change the course syllabus. The students will be given sufficient advanced notice of any changes should they arise.
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Revised: January 02, 2014 .