Journal #1
Past/present/future social change in the US:  Compare your life to that of your parents/grandparents, do an interview with someone from previous generation,  and hypothesize what life might be like for your children/grandchildren.  (if you don’t have any of these groups of people in your life or will not have, then consider those surrounding you during the same generations).  Comment in terms of material and nonmaterial/ideational aspects as covered in class. 
Journal #2
How have you experienced MacDonaldization in your life?  By providing examples from your own life, comment upon various aspects considering different institutions (see book for what institutions Ritzer discusses - but also use your critical thinking skills and look at other institutions), and how each of the four principles have been evident in your daily experience.  
Journal 3#

Violence and Nonviolence

Discuss your personal experiences of violence of the various types explored in class or situations you have directly been witness to.  Focus particularly on ecological violence, structural violence & psychological violence rather than the physical violence. 

From the material presented in class, explore the Nonviolence in your own life, i.e. what are your experiences of Nonviolence (not simply aspects that are not violent).  What are your thoughts about it Nonviolence (negative/positive aspects, disadvantages/advantages).  From these two discussions, do you essentially see the world as non-violent or as violent? 

Journal #4
What does peace mean to you?  What are representations of peace in your life?  Explore the concept of peace at various levels from the individual to the global.  Do you feel the institution of the military supports or hinders your beliefs about what peace means to you?  Consider this in terms of the individuals who comprise the military as well as those individuals who make decisions which affect the military, i.e. from the soldier to the commander in chief of the military.
Journal #5

How have social movements affected your life?  Comment on various social movements that have taken place over the past 200 years, and explore in detail how the social changes that occurred due to the work of these social movements has directly impacted your life. 

From this exploration and from the discussions in class, how do you FEEL about social movements?  (Do not simply provide a cognitive assessment) For you what are the advantages/disadvantages in terms of you as an individual. 


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Revised: October 11, 2002 .