
Wallace Mills

Academic appointment in the History Department, Saint Mary's University since 1968. In 2005 I retired from full time teaching; however, I still offer the courses online on a part-time basis.


1966-68 Univ. of California, Los Angeles Ph.D. 1975
1962-66 Queen’s University,
Kingston, Ont
M. A.
B. A. (Honours)
1959-62 Ont. School for the Deaf
Belleville, Ont
Teacher of the Deaf Certificate
Ont. Elementary Teacher’s Certificate
1958-59 London Teachers College,

Publications: “The Taylor Revival of 1866 and the Roots of African Nationalism in the Cape Colony,” Journal of Religion in Africa, VIII, 2(1977), 105-122. 56K

“The Fork in the Road: Religious Separatism versus African Nationalism in the Cape Colony, 1890-1910,” Journal of Religion in Africa, IX, 1(1978), 51-61. 156K

“Rejoinder,” Journal of Religion in Africa, IX, 3(1979), 189-192.

“The Roots of African Nationalism in the Cape Colony: Temperance 1866-1898,” International Journal of African Historical Studies, XIII, 2(1980), 197-213. 168K

“Cape Smoke: alcohol issues in the Cape Colony in the nineteenth century,” Contempory Drug Problems, XII, 2(1985), 221-247.

“Missionaries, Xhosa Clergy and the suppression of traditional customs.” in Henry Bredekamp and Robert Ross, eds., Missions and Christianity in South African History, (Univ. of Witwatersrand Press, 1995), pp. 153-171. 68K

“Victorian Imperialism as religion, civil or otherwise,” in Roger D. Long, ed., The Man on the Spot. Essays in British Empire History, (Greenwood Press, 1995), pp. 21-43.

“War of the Ax,” “British Kaffraria,” “Fiftieth Ordinance,” “Gun War of 1880-81,” “Hintsa, ”“Kaffirs,” “Xhosa Wars,” “Xhosa,” and “Xhosa cattle-killing,” in James S. Olson, ed., Historical Dictionary of the British Empire, 2 vols. (Greenwood Press, 1996).

“Millennial Christians, British Imperialism, and African Nationalism,” in Richard Elphick, ed., Christianity in South African History, (Berkley: Univ. of California Press; Oxford: James Currey, 1997), pp.337-346. 68K