The Chaswood Formation
of Atlantic Canada.
Geology, detrital petrology and diagenesis of the Lower Cretaceous Chaswood
Formation, including the role of faulting and volcanism. Funded by the Exxon-Mobil
Sable Project, PR-AC, and NSERC.
Recent abstracts, theses, figures and Open Files
[Mid-Cretaceous syn-sedimentary deformation of sands]
[Detrital metalloids, Chaswood Formation]
[X-ray maps of sandstone cements, Chaswood Formation]
[Paleogeography of the Chaswood Formation]
[Geological map of the West Indian Road pit]
[Paleosols in the Atlantic Silica pit, Poodiac, NB]
[Summary of sandstone diagenesis in the
Chaswood Formation]
[Stratigraphy of borehole RR-97-23]
[Tectonic setting of the Lower Cretaceous
Chaswood Formation]
[Stratigraphic correlation and vitronite
reflection in the Chaswood Formation]
[Sediment types from the Chaswood Formation at
Geology, detrital petrology
and diagenesis in Lower Cretaceous reservoir rocks of the Scotian basin.
Inferring detrital petrology and dispersal patterns of the Lower
Cretaceous sandstones of the Scotian basin. Detailed studies of the geology
and tectonic setting of Cretaceous rocks of the Orpheus graben. Early diagenetic
phosphorite and septachlorite in the Scotian basin. Funded by the Exxon-Mobil
Sable Project, PR-AC, and NSERC.
Recent abstracts, theses, figures and Open Files
[Cretaceous delta-front instability in the Sable
[Core logs from the Alma field showing sediment instability]
[Stratigraphic variation in feldspar composition,
Scotian basin]
profile of Missisauga deltas, Alma Field]
The relationship of tectonism
to igneous activity in Greece.
Tectonic controls on the Neogene igneous activity of the central and SE Aegean
Sea. Relationship of volcanism to faulting in the South Aegean arc. Origin
of Triassic rift-related volcanism. Funded by NSERC, jointly with Greek colleagues.
Recent abstracts, theses, figures and Open Files
Igneous Rocks of Greece]
[Cenozoic igneous rocks of the Aegean]
[Geology of Lesbos]
[Structural setting of Cyclades plutons]
[Tectonic model for Cenozoic volcanic rocks of
the Aegean]
[Paleogeography of the Kos Plateau Tuff eruption]
[Subduction - extension model for the Aegean]
[Paleogeographic reconstructions of the
setting of Cenozoic igneous rocks of the Aegean]
[Volcanic associations in South Aegean arc]
[Fault systems in South Aegean arc]
Magmatism of the northeastern American passive continental margin.
Basement rocks of the Meguma terrane beneath the Scotian Shelf. Hydrothermal
origin of zeolites in the North Mountain basalt. Cretaceous volcanism of the
Fogo Seamounts. Funded by NSERC.
Recent abstracts, theses, figures and Open Files
[Meguma terrane basement]
[Geological evolution of the North Mountain Basalt
[Photomicrographs of mordenite and apophyllite]
[Field photos of representative outcrops at Wasson
Bluff, Nova Scotia]
The geology of the Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia.
Mechanisms of emplacement of A-type granites and their relationship to magma
evolution. Relationship of mineralisation to igneous activity (e.g. barite,
nickel, gold, iron minerals).Evolution of mafic rocks of the Magdalen basin.
Production of a new 1:50 000 digital map of the Cobequid Highlands. Funded
by NSERC and the Geological Survey of Canada.
Recent abstracts, theses, figures and Open Files
[Summary geological map of the Cobequid Highlands]
[A synopsis of the geology of the Cobequid Highlands]
[Emplacement of the Pleasant Hills pluton]
[Age model for the Wentworth plutonic complex and
coeval volcanic rocks]
[Emplacement of the Wentworth plutonic complex]
[Thin sections of Carboniferous hydrothermal alteration
in Cobequid Highlands]