Paideusis-JICS is a refereed Internet
journal aiming at an open international and interdisciplinary dialogue.Each volume of the journal focuses on a certain topic, bringing points of view
and interpretations from a wide variety of disciplines and specialisms. These
fields are as different as:
Sociology / Anthropology / Geography / Economics / History / Philosophy / Literature
/ Linguistics / Semiotics / Psychology / Medicine / Cognitive sciences / Nonlinear
sciences (fractals, chaos,cellular automata, self-organized criticality, neural
Each issue is thus meant as a meeting place for “searchers and researchers” to engage in an active exchange of ideas by approaching the same subject from different angles. The mutual understanding and cooperation between specialists is expected to enhance the possibility of new insights.
The Greek word “paideusis” belongs to a family of nouns that have a particular resonance. To the ancient Greeks “paideuma” meant something cultivated, instructed, a place of learning (Anton Dumitriu, “Terra mirabilis”), but it has a wider semantic domain due to the contributions of Frobenius in “culture morphology”. A related word, “paideia”, refers mainly to sophisticated wisdom, while in contrast, “paideusis” emphasizes the process of instruction, the essence of how to educate. It is a continuing process, somewhat different to earlier interpretations which focused on the results of learning. “Paideusis” is also a site of knowledge, a place from which wisdom irradiates (as in Pericles’ Epitaph written by Thucydides).
Paideusis-JICS is a place for people to learn from each other by considering issues from one another’s perspectives. Paideusis-JICS aims at facilitating a direct dialogue between disciplines and cultures, to help them know and understand each other better.