For details please see also the information on the Submission of Manuscripts

ARTICLES represent contributions dedicated to the topic of the issue.However, papers with obvious interdisciplinary and/or cross-cultural character that lie outside the issue’s general topic are also considered.

LETTERS TO PAIDEUSIS are shorter contributions that are not necessarily linked with the issue’s topic. This section of the journal is aimed at informing scholars of results from early stages of research projects.

Through MEETING POINT LETTERS, Paideusis-JICS encourages contact between different institutions, associations, and research groups, focusing on interdisciplinary and cross-cultural research and communication. They comprise brief self-introductions and contact addresses/names.

The special section IN MEDIAS RES is dedicated to reports from ‘the middle of events’. In contrast to the main section of the journal dedicated to major finding, conceptual analysis and theoretical development, IN MEDIAS RES is a space dedicated to researchers who wish to communicate contemporary results (e.g., from field work or early results from pilot experiments), reports from ongoing events (conferences, meetings, expositions, research projects etc) and related topics that would be of interest to readers. Such articles can be submitted and published alongside topic-focused journal volumes and will be subject to the normal process of anonymous paper review.

The REVIEW section is dedicated to book/journal and web site reviews, with special emphasis on interdisciplinary and cross-cultural material and preferably connected with the issue’s topic.