Dr. Anthony
(Tony) Charles
Dr. Anthony (Tony) Charles is Director of the School of the Environment, a professor in the Sobey School of Business, and the Senior Research Fellow in Environment and Sustainability, at Saint Mary's University (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada). Dr. Charles specializes in interdisciplinary research focusing on environmental systems and natural resources (especially fisheries, coasts and oceans), notably relating to governance, socio-economics and sustainability, as well as challenges of climate change, poverty, and food security. Particular areas of emphasis include community-based conservation and resource management, small-scale fisheries, integrated ocean and coastal management, human dimensions of the ecosystem approach, protected areas, indicator frameworks, and management measures for sustainability and resilience. Dr. Charles leads the Community Conservation Research Network (CCRN), an international initiative on local-level conservation supporting sustainable livelihoods. Dr. Charles has produced two documentaries and several short videos through the CCRN. He is the author of over 200 research articles, reports and books, including several recent books: (1) Communities, Conservation and Livelihoods (CCRN and IUCN), (2) Addressing the Climate Change and Poverty Nexus (FAO), (3) Governing the Coastal Commons: Communities, Resilience and Transformation (with Derek Armitage & Fikret Berkes), (4) Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation: Interaction and Co-evolution (with Serge Garcia & Jake Rice), and (5) The Future of Ocean Governance and Capacity Development (with the IOI-Canada team); as well as previous books Sustainable Fishery Systems (Wiley-Blackwell), Nova Scotia GPI Fisheries and Marine Environment Accounts (GPI Atlantic), Integrated Fish Farming (CRC Lewis) and Community Fisheries Management Handbook. Dr. Charles has received international recognition as a Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation (media article), a recipient of the Gulf of Maine Visionary Award, and a frequent invitee as a conference keynote speaker. He is a member of the Fisheries Expert Group in IUCN’s Commission on Ecosystem Management, past President of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade and of the Resource Modeling Association, and previously Director of Canada's Ocean Management Research Network and Director of the Coastal Community-University Research Alliance (Coastal CURA).