Click the links below to participate in ongoing research studies:

Knowledge, attitudes, and stigma towards those who commit sexual offences study
Credibility in the courtroom study

Research in the Ternes Forensic Psychology lab has focused on a variety of topics in the field of Forensic Psychology. The current research falls under five main headings:

  1. Memory for crime and/or trauma

    We are exploring how trauma uniquely affects memory under a variety of circumstances, including experiences as victims, witnesses, and offenders.

  2. Deception and deception detection

    We are currently exploring personality variables associated with deception and deception detection, deception strategies, and verbal and behavioural methods of credibility assessment.

  3. Antisocial behaviour

    We are exploring predictors and correlates of various antisocial behaviours, including lying, academic cheating, cyberbullying, and digital dating abuse.

  4. Correctional Psychology

    We are exploring the predictors and correlates of offender reintegration, such as participation in correctional programs.

  5. Investigative Interviewing

    We are exploring investigative interviewing in the laboratory as well as in the field to determine the most effective interrogative practices.


  1. In the news:

    SMU professor researches the telltale signs of lying

  2. SMU community report:

    Helping those who serve and protect