horizontal rule



horizontal rule

NOTES/ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Read these from the bottom up, most recent comments are at the top


March 13th

- With the final exam scheduled for Saturday, April 12th, I will be available in my office, MS 416, on Friday, April 11th from 12-5 to answer any questions you may have about the course material that will be on the exam.  See below for the link to the final exam information


February 3rd

- Class is cancelled for Monday February 3rd.  Similar to what is noted in the January 2nn & 22nd announcements below, the quiz review of Chapter 2 that would have taken place on Monday will now take place on Wednesday, February 5th, and next week we will continue with Ch.3 - Monday quiz & Wednesday quiz review, etc...  The initial course outline will be followed once again after the reading week.  Thus, at Week 8, February 24th, the course outline will continue as it was prior to this class cancellation. 


January 22nd

-  Due to the school closure today, see the announcement of January 2nd.  So for example, the quiz review of quiz #1 on Ch. 1 will now take place next Monday, January 27th, and next Wednesday, January 29th, we will cover Ch. 2 and do quiz #2, and so on until the reading week, Week 7.  For Week 6, we will only spend one class, the Wednesday of that week on the topic of deviance. 

January 2nd

- If there are any school closures or class cancellations due to weather, then consider that the everything in the course outline on the syllabus will be moved ahead, and that material scheduled for the end of the course will not be covered, so for example if a Wednesday class is cancelled then the material that would have been covered in the Wednesday class and each subsequent class will be covered in the next following class 


January 1st

- If you fail to attend the first class for whatever reason, it is your responsibility to get caught up with the work you will have missed, to thoroughly review the syllabus and to come prepared to the subsequent classes. 

-  You need to bring your textbook to every class, and remember to bring pencils to complete the scantron cards for the quizzes; scantron cards not completed in pencil will receive zero






Revised course outline


Course contract


Preliminary questionnaire 


How do I learn information


Quiz review


Traditional Sociological Theories


Sociological Imagination


Some helpful definitions of concepts used in class


Deviance article


Final exam information

horizontal rule


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Revised: March 13, 2014.