
Challenges and blessings of the fourth stageCristian Suteanu


Change in Meanings and in Values

For an anthropological history of indigenous discourseJames Weiner

Fossilized fashion in Hawai'i Linda B. Arthur

Epithets and epitomes: management and loss of narrative knowledge in Southwest Maluku (East-Indonesia) Aone van Engelenhoven

The classification of disease among the Tonga of Zambia Quentin Gausset

The transgressing character of the sacred in the double ritual of Anastenaria
Nikos Gousgounis

The archetypal hypothesis of C.G. Jung and W. Pauli and the number archetypes: an extension of the concept to the Golden Number Vasile V. Morariu and Charles R. Card

The Yin-Yang system of ancient China: the Yijing-book of changes as a pragmatic metaphor for change theoryMondo Secter

Le comunita virtuali in Italia: alcune riflessioni Paolo Dell'Aquila

Digital Domains: Nation, State and Virtual Territory Doug Stuart

Simulation and the intersubjective creation of meaning Ake Nilsen


Letters to Paideusis

On hidden truths. The efficacy of known and unknown texts in psychotherapeutic discourse Fernando Lolas

In remembrance of Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998)Charles R. Card and Vasile V. Morariu


Meeting Point Letters

Centre National de Recherches sur l'Environnement, Madagascar

Tongan History Association

Culture & Tradition, Memorial University Newfoundland, Canada


Book Presentation

The rise and fall of languages by R.M.W. Dixon, Cambridge University Press 1997Danny Yee



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